Case Study: Hotel Plant Room Upgrade

A 76-room hotel in West Wales has had an extensive plant room upgrade thanks to the team at AMROC Group.

The project, which started in February of 2024, involved a comprehensive suite of services all designed to improve the output of heating and hot water, while at the same time, reducing energy bills.

“The plant room and associated systems had not been upgraded for many years,” said Richard Carlson of AMROC Group, “so our first priority was to design a new system that gave the hotel a steady output of energy with the ability to increase at short notice, all whilst saving money on fuel bills.”

With 76 bedrooms, kitchens, a ballroom, a bar and a restaurant spread over 3 floors, the system needed to be robust to meet the fluctuating demands of such a business.

“Heat and hot water are the two primary requirements of a hotel plant room,” said Richard, so to ensure the capacity was there to meet the demand, we removed the old equipment and installed the following:

New boilers

We installed 4 new Ideal Evomax2 100Kw boilers and due to the shape and size of the plant room, these were fitted in a ‘Quad’ format, or “back-to-back”. This allows additional boilers to fire up as and when needed, but if demand is low, the system can run off one boiler.

“The great advantage of this layout is that the intelligent system only triggers an additional boiler when needed, so rather than old systems whereby the boilers are either on or off, this set-up reduces energy bills as it’s very energy efficient,” said Richard. “It also acts as a failsafe too,” he said,” as if one or even two boilers go offline, the others will pick up the slack.”

New bespoke flue system

Due to the new layout of the plant room, a new flue system was installed to provide a means of ventilation for the system as a whole, which is vital in any plant room, but more so in one of this size.

New Building Management System

The “brain” behind the entire system, the new BMS controls all aspects of energy use as well as allowing the facility management team at the hotel to monitor and control the system remotely.

Not only will this make the plant room run more efficiently, but the business will enjoy an average 30% reduction in their utility bills.

For more information on plant room upgrades, no matter what sector your business operates in, contact our team on:

[email protected]

► 01792 700820